Sunday 8 January 2012

They say that friendship never ends .....

They say that friendship never ends, I personally couldn't disagree with this statement more, I don't believe that friendship, no matter how much we would like it to be, can override everything. Friendship is so fragile, even the tiniest cracks can cause it to fall apart. I honestly believe that we give friendship too much credit, think it's worth more than it is. I know this because I know what it means for someone to drop you as if you never meant anything to them at all. 
It's not all bad, so people say. "There are friends everywhere, you just need to make them" that phrase means everything to some people but nothing to me. It is definitely true that there are friends everywhere but they're never there when you are, or you're never there when they are; either way it doesn't matter because whatever friendship truly is it's not everlasting.
Saying that I have friends that I have never once argued with and remained good friends from infancy, but that kind of friendship isn't what I'm trying to talk about. I am not trying to be cynical and try to tell you that you will never make friends or have someone that you can just talk to, tell them anything and there won't be any repercussions, I am just trying to tell you that you should be careful with whom you place your trust.
I've learnt that you really need to know a person before you can trust them, sometimes you must look at them from outside your little world and think about how they are really treating you. Because throughout my life I have trusted the wrong people and I have had to pay the price, they have made me seem like the bad guy and I don't want that for everyone else. I believe that everyone deserves second chances but sometimes we must realise that one second chance is enough, you may think your giving them a second chance but really you're just letting them back into your life because you think that without them you might not be okay. Because even though they treat you like shit 99% of the time that 1% seems to shine through to you, you seem to think that through losing your friendship they will change and become a better person. But the likelihood is they are exactly the same and they are just waiting to use you again.
I don't mean to be rude or doubt that real friendship exists but I need to voice these views and get them out of my system, this way I can make clear decisions with clarity and make the best judgement for me. Not in a selfish way that is cruel to others but in a way that I can be the best that I can be.

- Jaime x

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